The Curious Learners Podcast Ep. 15
17 February 2022

We’re at the cusp of innovation.
Financial markets are supposed to efficiently allocate to the real economy – this is not happening with such large dislocations.
The real game is being played in fintech assets.
Exponential technologies are leading the way within digital finance – digital lending & digital assets
The middle market needs these technologies in order to have access to finance.
Banks face legacy issues – they don’t want to make an effort.
Fasanara is hands on with the fintech world – we offer both debt and equity – we build successful partnerships.
Institutional investors face a desertification of yield.
We have a team that tests De-Fi technologies – we study protocols, companies, and currencies.
We keep our nimble ethos among our tight-knit team.
Let the youngsters lead the way – favour experimentation, not experience.